Thursday, September 13, 2012

The "TA-DA" List

We all have a "To Do" list, right?
Maybe it is a running mental checklist that you add to and subtract from as you accomplish things.
Maybe it is real, pen-and-paper list that you scratch items off of.
My "To Do" list is on the dry erase section of my awesome 31 Gifts  Hang Up Organizer.
I love this thing, it has transformed the bar in my kitchen, which was once used as a storage site for all the miscellaneous mail and coupons and stuff. Now I have this fantastic product hanging on the door of my pantry, holding said miscellaneous papers. But the absolute best part of this organizer is that white section that you see in the top right corner. That, my friends, is a dry erase area. I have also added cardstock into the other clear plastic pocket in the center, and I also use that as a dry erase area. 
In the middle section goes my everyday "To Do" list. I love to see my accomplishments in front of me, so checking things off a list is really appealing. My list has everything from make coffee to dust & vaccuum to what is for dinner that night.
But this post isn't about the "To Do" list, this post is about the TA-DA List.
The TA-DA list goes on that upper dry erase section. There is no pressure to do things on the TA-DA list. I could go for a week or more without so much as looking at it. But when I actually do one of the things on that list, it feels awesome! 
So what is on this list? The TA-DA list includes household tasks that won't make or break our day, but that would be really nice to get done. These are not seasonal in nature, they have no time frame, and they can range from a 5 minute task to a day-long project.
Currently on my TA-DA List:
  • Purge and organize DVDs
  • Purge and organize under the kitchen sink
  • Go through pantry (donate food we aren't eating)
  • Clean the oven
  • Clean the microwave
  • Purge and organize under the bathroom sinks
  • Dust ceiling fans
  • Purge kid's toys (donate what they aren't playing with)
  • Match all food storage containers with their lids 
  • Clean out the "junk drawer"
Some things that I have accomplished since starting the TA-DA List include cleaning out the closet in the master bedroom (that was a full-day project!), sorting through and purging all of last year's papers, purging the Girl-Child's wardrobe of clothes that don't fit, cleaning the top of my refrigerator, and dusting all of the decorative items on the tops of my kitchen cabinets.
Some days I just feel like tackling a project. Other weeks  days I just don't. And that is okay. Because there is no time limit or deadline, I can do these things when I feel like it. But because they are written down in front of me, it's a lot more likely that they will get done than not.
What's on your TA-DA List?

This post was neither sponsored by nor solicited from 31 Gifts. I just really, really love their stuff. If you are interested in purchasing a Hanging Organizer or just want more information on the company and their products, I highly recommend my dear friend and 31 consultant Lauren Hoffman. She rocks!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea!

    I started my very first "Weekend Warmth" Linky party...and there are no rules. Please join in!
